Special Awards Program
As a part of the SAMPE Foundation’s outreach efforts, we are open to suggestions for programs and projects that will positively impact K - 12 STEM related learning around the world. In the past, the SAMPE Foundation has funded a wide range of STEM efforts on an ad hoc basis.
The intent of this Special Awards Program is to codify our efforts and to open up the program to new ideas with origins outside the confines of the SAMPE Foundation. Therefore, we are soliciting new, novel ideas that help the Foundation meet its K-12 STEM learning goals.

Eligibility: Application to the Special Awards Program is open to all SAMPE members and SAMPE chapters. While it is our intention to be open to all sound ideas that positively impact K-12 STEM learning, it is necessary to establish requirements that must be met:
· The program/project must have a clear connection to K-12 STEM education.
· The program/project must have a limited time-line of no more than two years.
· Program/project progress must be measurable.
· The associated budget request must clearly show how the funding will help achieve the program/project goals.
· If the expense of the program/project involves funding from sources in addition to those funds being requested from the SAMPE Foundation, the proposal must clearly define how the Foundation’s role will add to the project/project goals.
Obligation: The grant request will be documented in a 300-500-word statement chronicling how the project/program will meet the aforementioned criteria
Deadlines: Open application date at any time. No deadline.
Should you have any questions, or require further information, contact foundation@sampe.org.
View our most recent grant recipients.