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High School STEM Programs


  • The SAMPE Foundation STEM program aims to work with high schools worldwide to incorporate a program on composite materials into their curriculum. The Foundation has tools that can be used in the classroom to help accomplish this:

    • A new textbook by Dr. Brent Strong, “Composites: Lighter, Stronger, Better,” is available to high schools free of charge.

    • To support the above-mentioned textbook, a four-part video series is available via YouTube.

  • A combined effort of a SAMPE Professional Chapter and an associated Student Chapter will nominate the schools. 

  • The combination will be able to identify worthy schools based on the recent firsthand experience of the members of the Student Chapters.

  • Once the SAMPE Foundation has received an adequate number of nominations, they will be reviewed by the SAMPE Foundation Grants Subcommittee, which will then submit their recommendations to the SAMPE Foundation Board of Directors for final approval.

  • Based on the review and recommendations of the Grants Subcommittee, up to three schools will be selected. The associated SAMPE Professional and Student Chapters will be notified, and a meeting will be set up to launch the program. Attending the call from the Foundation will be key individuals from the Grants Subcommittee: Les Cohen, the president of the Foundation; Ted Lynch, the chair of the Foundation; Brent Strong, the author of the textbook; and Joe Ingalls, the Foundation administrator. The selected SAMPE Professional Chapter will provide a mentor to the Student Chapter, and along with key individuals from the Student Chapter will attend the opening meeting. Finally, key personnel from the selected high schools will be expected to participate in the meeting.

  • At this point, the SAMPE Professional Chapter mentor and members of the SAMPE Student Chapter will work with the high school to gain approval to launch this new Composites STEM program. The SAMPE Foundation is prepared to support this effort wherever possible.

  • Once the course has been approved and an appropriate start date has been selected, it is expected that the SAMPE Student Chapter and the Professional Chapter mentor will monitor the program’s progress and will provide support whenever required.

  • The SAMPE Student Chapter will provide timely progress reports to the SAMPE Foundation during the first semester. 

  • At the end of the semester, the SAMPE Student Chapter and the SAMPE Professional Chapter will submit a final report covering the program’s success, along with recommendations for future improvements/changes.

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